We work as the bridge between business owners and accountants.

BW Bookkeeping specialise in small businesses by giving a helping hand to save you time.

bookkeeping and business development services

Top 3 benefits to outsourcing your books to a bookkeeping business

While we understand the temptation to keep costs down by keeping a log of your own business finances, there are clear advantages to using a bookkeeping business instead.

Published Sat 5th Oct 2024

Read Top 3 benefits to outsourcing your books to a bookkeeping business...

Why systems can be sexy...LOL

The word system doesn't SOUND exciting but when you apply systems to your usual activities the magic will start to happen!

Published Tue 24th Sep 2024

Read Why systems can be sexy...LOL...

Avoiding becoming another failed business

The statistics of businesses which fail make scary reading for small business owners!

Published Sat 21st Sep 2024

Read Avoiding becoming another failed business...

We are not alone...help is out there

Being a business owner sometimes we feel that we should have all the answers. If we are bold enough to start a business, surely it is our job to know everything to keep the business on track...

Published Fri 13th Sep 2024

Read We are not alone...help is out there...

Bookkeeping can help your business be more successful

Numbers are helpful in a million ways when it comes to building and steering a business, and one thing bookkeepers are good at is reviewing the numbers!

Published Tue 13th Aug 2024

Read Bookkeeping can help your business be more successful...

Being a business owner means being brave

I am sure as a business owner you have found yourself feeling a bit isolated and overwhelmed at times. Our families can only listen to us talk about our businesses for so long - it is hard for them to understand how all consuming it is to run a business rather than having a job. We have so many decisions to make, and risks to balance that it takes a brave person to run a business.

Published Thu 18th Jul 2024

Read Being a business owner means being brave...

Helping our clients to stop getting paid less than they should do

We have quite a few clients who work outdoors as landscapers and contractors. They are people who are good with their hands, operate machines, people who don't want to sit at a desk. A common complaint they have is customers who do not value their skills highly enough.

Published Fri 12th Jul 2024

Read Helping our clients to stop getting paid less than they should do...

Business coaching with BW Bookkeeping

We still prepare VAT returns, payroll and keep the books up to date but our main strength is in the business support we offer. Our business was set up to allow Jen to be able to truly listen to clients and their goals, as her previous roles in accountancy practices always left her wanting to give clients more of her time.

Published Thu 11th Jul 2024

Read Business coaching with BW Bookkeeping...

Clients we have helped to grow

We do like to take on new clients but we also help our existing clients to grow too. Sometimes that will mean they have more than one company or they run a company as well as a partnership. It is rewarding to help clients through the transition and see that we have supported them to get the results they want.

Published Mon 1st Jul 2024

Read Clients we have helped to grow...

Case studies - Success Stories

As a typical Brit I am rubbish at 'blowing my own trumpet' but I wanted to share some success stories I have achieved for my clients while running BW Bookkeeping.

Published Fri 14th Jun 2024

Read Case studies - Success Stories...

Computerised bookkeeping tips

We are sharing the top 5 tips about computerised bookkeeping that we have learned along the way. WIth making tax digital there is pressure to use software rather than keeping your books on paper or excel so these are our tips to get you on the straight and narrow.

Published Wed 12th Jun 2024

Read Computerised bookkeeping tips...

Tidy paperwork tips

As we have been watching more and more TV programs about organising homes and clutter, we decided to write a few tips that we feel will help business owners to organise their paperwork.

Published Tue 4th Jun 2024

Read Tidy paperwork tips...

Meet the team

We have a strong team now at BW Bookkeeping, the business started as a 'one man band' in 2014 but now ten years later there are four of us lovely ladies. We have refined the way we work so that clients are the focus of everything we do.

Published Fri 17th May 2024

Read Meet the team...

We are now able to offer our services as set packages

We have been trying to show the different types of services that we offer and this document showing our fixed packages seems to be the clearest way to show potential clients the type of work we carry out.

Published Mon 12th Feb 2024

Read We are now able to offer our services as set packages...

How knowing your figures can help your business

It is easy to get too busy to stop and look at the reports or figures in detail and this can be a mistake.

Published Thu 18th Jan 2024

Read How knowing your figures can help your business...

Celebrating year 9 of BW Bookkeeping

There have been a lot of changes since we celebrated year 8, in very difficult economic circumstances we have made lots of changes!

Published Wed 15th Nov 2023

Read Celebrating year 9 of BW Bookkeeping...

Why would I use a bookkeeper if I already have an accountant?

This is a question you may find yourself considering. You are running a small business and you have an accountant but somehow you still feel like you need more help...

Published Thu 26th Jan 2023

Read Why would I use a bookkeeper if I already have an accountant?...

Do I need a bookkeeper for my small business?

If you are falling behind with sales invoices, chasing money from customers and filing your VAT return late then the answer is YES! Not only do you need a bookkeeper, really you want to work with a bookkeeper to take these tasks off your to do list.

Published Thu 26th Jan 2023

Read Do I need a bookkeeper for my small business?...

BW Virtual Office can help with your marketing too

We have helped a few clients with their marketing by making sure the basics are right.

Published Wed 25th Jan 2023

Read BW Virtual Office can help with your marketing too...

Virtual assistance for fleet paperwork

We are often asked for help with monitoring the dates for small motor fleets to help businesses plan.

Published Fri 6th Jan 2023

Read Virtual assistance for fleet paperwork...

Making Tax Digital for Self Employed People and Landlords

Maybe you have heard the phrase making tax digital, maybe you thought this was only for VAT registered businesses, or for companies?

Published Thu 8th Sep 2022

Read Making Tax Digital for Self Employed People and Landlords...

Health and Safety

BW Virtual Office Services find that clients often grow to a certain point and then realise they haven't really focused on health and safety enough.

Published Sun 24th Jul 2022

Read Health and Safety...

A to Z of BW Bookkeeping Clients

Our clients provide all sorts of different services, for a bit of fun, we have sorted them into the letters of the alphabet ;

Published Tue 29th Jun 2021

Read A to Z of BW Bookkeeping Clients...

Forecasting to help with planning

As we all know, there is more to growing a business than simply increasing sales. There are choices to make about staffing, premises, insurance policies, the list goes on.

Published Fri 25th Jun 2021

Read Forecasting to help with planning...


Even if your business is only paying one Director, you will probably hear from the pensions regulator as they will ask you to confirm you are compliant.

Published Sun 6th Jun 2021

Read Pensions...

Why VAT needs to be considered when bookkeeping.

If your business is VAT registered you need to change the way you prepare your books.

Published Tue 27th Apr 2021

Read Why VAT needs to be considered when bookkeeping....

Networking as a small business owner

Before January 2020 I can honestly say I had never even considered networking! Not as a skill or a benefit.

Published Wed 14th Apr 2021

Read Networking as a small business owner...

Small positive changes can help your business grow

Running your own business is an exciting venture to start with, but it can become daunting as you need to keep thinking of ways to improve and grow.

Published Tue 30th Mar 2021

Read Small positive changes can help your business grow...

Making Tax Digital 'soft landing' finishes 31-03-2021

All data needs to be linked digitally for VAT returns starting after/spanning 1st April 2021.

Published Tue 30th Mar 2021

Read Making Tax Digital 'soft landing' finishes 31-03-2021...

Why cash flow is so important

We all think that profit is the goal, but cash flow is just as important. Running out of money is definitely something to be feared.

Published Fri 12th Mar 2021

Read Why cash flow is so important...

Good news story

BW Bookkeeping have been featured as a good news story by Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce.

Published Mon 8th Mar 2021

Read Good news story...

The 3 most common mistakes in bookkeeping

Obviously there are many mistakes that can be made when trying to juggle running your business with keeping your books up to date. Hopefully reading this will help you stay clear of at least 3 of them...

Published Wed 3rd Mar 2021

Read The 3 most common mistakes in bookkeeping...

Sales invoices

When you are sending an invoice to a customer there are certain pieces of information that you need to show and I am going to list them for you here.

Published Sat 27th Feb 2021

Read Sales invoices...

What can you get from your sales figures?

When you first start out in business, all you want from your sales figure is for the total to grow because it means your business is growing and you are beginning to make money.

Published Wed 17th Feb 2021

Read What can you get from your sales figures?...

Take care to match the correct amounts in Quickbooks

The automatic match up rules in Quickbooks are a real time saver and very clever but here are a few things to look out for!

Published Thu 11th Feb 2021

Read Take care to match the correct amounts in Quickbooks...

Paperwork 101

Getting all your paperwork into order is not an exciting job, but it is rewarding. Knowing you can lay your hands on an invoice if you need it, knowing you have opened all your mail, it is a relief.

Published Wed 3rd Feb 2021

Read Paperwork 101...

Bookkeeping in lockdown

All businesses are being effected by the pandemic and the lockdowns. Whether it is through physical illness, not being able to meet people or just feeling that you can not make plans because the situation seems to change every day.

Published Sun 17th Jan 2021

Read Bookkeeping in lockdown...

What does the Project Solutions in the business name stand for?

Our full name is BW Bookkeeping and Project Solutions Ltd, so we get asked from time to time what the 'project solutions' part of our name relates to.

Published Wed 23rd Dec 2020

Read What does the Project Solutions in the business name stand for?...

Clients in Aston Clinton

On a Friday I am lucky enough to have a client base in Aston Clinton that I can visit. It has been a welcome escape over 2020 to be able to visit clients over there, as they are all working through the pandemic and I can meet with one or two each week to get their paperwork.

Published Fri 11th Dec 2020

Read Clients in Aston Clinton...

Small Business Support

I read a quote from a business coach online recently, saying that lots of small businesses give up, just when they were on the verge of a breakthrough and that is why it is so important to keep going.

Published Mon 30th Nov 2020

Read Small Business Support...

Clients in Caddington

BW Bookkeeping have been lucky enough to pick up a few clients in Caddington, Bedfordshire this year. Caddington is a village near to Luton and Dunstable, with a supportive community.

Published Sun 22nd Nov 2020

Read Clients in Caddington...

Why is paying staff weekly a bad idea?

Weekly payroll used to be fairly common and is still popular in some trades. Why is it best to avoid it?

Published Thu 12th Nov 2020

Read Why is paying staff weekly a bad idea?...

Which bookkeeping software should I choose?

The cloud based software packages are the ones to use as the technology has improved so much.

Published Fri 6th Nov 2020

Read Which bookkeeping software should I choose?...

Death, Bookkeeping and Taxes!

For business owners these are the certainties of life. Whether you are a sole trader earning extra cash at the weekends, or you have a company with 7 employees, death, bookkeeping and taxes can not be avoided forever. Its not all bad news, as planning and getting the right support can mean that bookkeeping isn't scary and the tax bills are under control.

Published Fri 6th Nov 2020

Read Death, Bookkeeping and Taxes!...

Do I need a bookkeeper or an accountant?

Lots of people ask me what the difference is between an accountant and a bookkeeper. My answer is that in most cases accountants are important for filing your year end accounts and tax return, and a bookkeeper is the one who supports you with running the business each week or each month of the year.

Published Fri 6th Nov 2020

Read Do I need a bookkeeper or an accountant?...

Who can help me with my VAT?

So you have registered for VAT and bought some software, what on earth do you do next?

Published Fri 6th Nov 2020

Read Who can help me with my VAT?...

Bookkeeping Do's and Don'ts!

When you are running a business there is a lot to learn and it can feel overwhelming. When it comes to bookkeeping, there are some fundamental rules to be aware of.

Published Fri 6th Nov 2020

Read Bookkeeping Do's and Don'ts!...

How to keep the books for a small business

You know you have to log information for the tax man. However you also need to log your income and costs in a way that means you can use the information yourself.

Published Fri 6th Nov 2020

Read How to keep the books for a small business...

Why is bookkeeping important?

How much money are you owed by customers at this moment? How much more do you invoice in the summer compared to the winter? What is your biggest cost each year?

Published Fri 6th Nov 2020

Read Why is bookkeeping important?...

Does my business need a payroll?

There are some businesses who will always need to consider setting up a payroll - it is the easiest way for directors of limited companies to get money out their business. There are contractors who pay sub contractors and deal with the tax as a CIS deduction who may not directly employ staff. And then there are a lot of people who are not sure whether to run a payroll or not.

Published Wed 4th Nov 2020

Read Does my business need a payroll?...

Self employed or limited company?

Should I be Self-employed or have a Limited Company?

Published Sun 1st Nov 2020

Read Self employed or limited company?...

Who needs bookkeeping services?

Bookkeeping is about staying up to date with your figures, so the reality EVERY business needs to think about bookkeeping.

Published Thu 29th Oct 2020

Read Who needs bookkeeping services?...

The biggest lie in bookkeeping...

When you buy software they make you believe that their system is SO user friendly that people can use it without having any training or knowledge.

Published Thu 29th Oct 2020

Read The biggest lie in bookkeeping......


BW Bookkeeping and Project Solutions Ltd.

6 Keats Court,
Eaton Ford,
St Neots,
PE19 7LX

07825 152951


Home Page FAQs Blog Facebook Instagram LinkedIn

Company Number 13495928
VAT No. 450467105
Registered in England and Wales - Registered Office: Staple House 5, Eleanors Cross, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, LU6 1SU

We recommend Dunstable accountancy practice
Spicer and Co

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Quickbooks Advanced Certified Pro Adviser - Gold


Excellent bookkeeping service and knowledge of the work. We recommend this firm if you are looking for a bookkeeper,
Phil Bass, Dunstable

Outstanding! BWBPS sorted out my books then provided me with the support and training I needed to get everything up to date and back on track. Friendly, professional service which I would highly recommend.
Cake Company St Neots

We have been a client of BW Bookkeeping since 2017 and rely on them for a range of services. They helped us change from a sole trader to a limited company and handle all our banking and VAT.
Mason Grab Hire Ltd, Aston Clinton

Quickbooks Advanced Certified Pro Adviser